The ENG3 NanoVi: A Biohacking Gem for Enhanced Cellular Function and Anti-Aging

ENG NanoVi

Ever stumbled upon something that feels too good to be true, yet it might just be the real deal? That’s precisely how I felt when I first came across the ENG3 NanoVi machine at Dave Asprey’s biohacking conference in Los Angeles last September.

As soon as I saw it, I needed to know more so I went to a seminar where the scientist from the company passionately explained the intricacies of the machine and its impact on protein folding. I was hooked. We live in a world where stress, pollution, and countless challenges wreak havoc on our bodies on a daily basis. She spoke of how our folding proteins can become disarrayed due to these factors, leading to a domino effect of cellular malfunctions. The result? Premature aging, reduced cellular repair, and a plethora of health issues. The ENG3 NanoVi, she explained, was designed to address this very problem, acting as a guardian for our body’s proteins, ensuring they fold just right.

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The talk of mitochondria, DNA repair, and the science behind it all was fascinating. But amidst the benefits, what truly resonated with me was the promise of rejuvenation, detoxification, and cell repair. I recalled how I’d sometimes felt fatigued or not at my best, and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the solution I’d been seeking.

As the seminar concluded, I was left with a burning desire to own this machine, you truly can’t put a price on health and well-being so I decided right then and there that I needed to invest in myself. After all, we spend so much on temporary pleasures, why not invest in something with lasting benefits?

Now, having used the ENG3 for over a year, I’m here to share my experience. From understanding its science to witnessing the benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned biohacker, someone keen on reversing the clock, or just curious about the latest in health tech, this is for you.

What is Protein Folding?

Protein folding is the process by which a protein chain is translated into its native three-dimensional structure, typically a “folded” conformation, by which the protein becomes biologically active [1]. When proteins fail to fold into their functional state, the resulting misfolded proteins can be contorted into shapes that are unfavorable to the cell. Misfolded proteins can cause a variety of diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and cystic fibrosis [2].

Protein folding is a complex process that involves different levels of protein structure. The primary structure of a protein is the sequence of amino acids that make up the protein chain. The secondary structure refers to the local folding of the protein chain into alpha helices, beta sheets, or other structures. The tertiary structure is the overall three-dimensional shape of the protein, which is determined by the interactions between amino acid side chains. Finally, the quaternary structure refers to the arrangement of multiple protein subunits into a larger protein complex [3].

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Importance of Protein Folding

Protein folding might sound like a complex science term, but let’s break it down in simple terms. Imagine proteins as tiny little workers in our body that have a specific job to do. Before they can do their job, they need to fold into a specific shape, kind of like how we fold clothes to fit neatly in a drawer. If these proteins don’t fold just right, they can’t do their job properly. It’s like trying to wear a crumpled shirt, it just doesn’t look or feel right. When our proteins fold correctly, our body works better, keeping us healthy and youthful. So, ensuring our proteins fold the right way is like making sure our tiny workers have the right uniform to do their best job for us!


The Science Behind the ENG3 Machine

Having understood the importance of protein folding, I became eager to understand how exactly this machine worked its magic.

Basically, the NanoVi harnesses the power of specific electromagnetic energies. What’s fascinating is that these energies closely mimic the bio-identical ROS signal—a crucial player in the natural process of our body. But what happens next is truly groundbreaking. When water, that abundant element making up a significant part of our body, absorbs these energies, a transformation occurs. The water molecules rearrange themselves into what are termed “coherent domains.” This might sound like a term straight out of a sci-fi novel, but it’s a scientifically verified phenomenon.

These coherent domains play a pivotal role in creating ordered water in and around our cellular proteins. Imagine this ordered water as a catalyst, nudging the proteins to fold just right, ensuring they function at their optimal best. In simpler terms, the NanoVi acts as a mediator, ensuring our body’s proteins get the right environment to do their job effectively. It’s a dance of science, nature, and technology, all coming together in this compact machine, aiming to revitalize our cellular health from the inside out.


My Personal NanoVi Routine

There’s something incredibly empowering about taking charge of one’s health, and for me, one of those moments came when I decided to bring the ENG3 NanoVi machine into my life. I remember being at the conference, intrigued by its potential, and thinking to myself, “This could be the missing puzzle piece in my wellness journey.” See my complete review on Instagram.

Now, I have to be honest, I do get busy and forget to use it some days. However, I’ve carved out a sacred ritual for myself. At least 3-4 times a week, I create a serene space in my living room, allowing myself those precious 15 minutes of rejuvenation with the ENG3 NanoVi. The process is beautifully simple and almost meditative. I connect the device, put on the breathing apparatus (which feels just like an oxygen mask), and let the machine work its magic. As I breathe in the air it generates, I often close my eyes and meditate. It’s my personal oasis of calm, and a reminder of the commitment I’ve made to my body.

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The Benefits I've Observed

I’ve always been a firm believer in the idea that the proof is in the pudding. And the ENG3 NanoVi has delivered! Since adding the use of this machine into my routine, the changes I’ve observed have been nothing short of astonishing. One of the most tangible markers of its impact? It’s impact on the reduction in my biological age.

It’s essential to note that while the ENG3 NanoVi has been a pivotal player in this transformation. Please my full article on anti-aging here. Alongside my ENG3 NanoVi sessions, I’ve been religiously using my infrared sauna—a haven of warmth and detoxification. I’ve dove into the world of peptides, specifically targeting telomere lengthening, for its anti-aging benefits. And let’s not forget the revamped supplementation protocol I’ve been following, ensuring my body gets all the nutrients it needs.

Yet, amidst all these strategies, the ENG3 NanoVi holds a special place. It’s not just a device to me, it’s a testament to the wonders of science, technology, and the body’s innate healing capabilities. Every time I use it, I’m reminded of the promise I’ve made to myself—to prioritize my health, to nurture my body, and to cherish every moment of this beautiful journey.

The Impact on Athletic Performance

One of the most significant endorsements for this device comes from the athletic community. High-performing athletes, always on the hunt for that extra edge, that incremental boost in performance, have found a reliable ally in the ENG3 NanoVi.

But why is the ENG3 NanoVi making waves in the athletic world? The reasons are many. Firstly, it optimizes oxygen utilization—a crucial component for any sportsperson. Better oxygen utilization means improved stamina and endurance, allowing athletes to push their limits. Furthermore, the machine plays a pivotal role in ensuring that nutrients are absorbed more efficiently by our cells, providing the body with the fuel it needs during intense training sessions or competitions. And it doesn’t stop there. The enhanced cell energy production and metabolism fostered by the ENG3 are aiming to giving an athlete a supercharged engine. It’s not just about working harder; it’s about working smarter and more efficiently.

But of course the ENG3 NanoVi isn’t exclusive to athletes. The whole biohacking community has embraced this machine with open arms. In our quest for optimized living, be it mental, physical, or for longevity, the NanoVi emerges as a must-have tool in your arsenal.

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Why the NanoVi is a Cornerstone of My Anti-Aging Protocol

The science behind the ENG3 NanoVi resonates deeply with my understanding of aging. At the cellular level, oxidative stress, an unavoidable side effect of the very act of breathing, is a silent aggressor, gradually damaging our proteins. This damage, if unchecked, accelerates the aging process, making us look and feel older than we are. However, with the ENG3 NanoVi by my side, I no longer feel defenseless against this natural adversary. The machine equips me with the means to not only protect my proteins but also to fast-track their repair.

What sets the ENG3 NanoVi apart in my anti-aging regimen is its comprehensive approach. While many solutions target superficial symptoms of aging, the ENG3 goes deep, addressing the very root causes. From ensuring DNA repair to supercharging mitochondrial function, it’s like having a cellular spa treatment every time I use it. The peace of mind, knowing that I’m actively combating the adverse effects of aging at a microscopic level, is priceless. As I continue my journey, exploring ways to preserve youth and vitality, I’m glad to have the ENG3 machine and will keep using it every step of the way.

guide to perfect sleep

The Practicalities: Using the NanoVi Device in Your Daily Life

When it comes to health and wellness devices, there’s often a trade-off. We want the benefits they promise, but integrating them into our daily lives can sometimes be a challenge. Bulky equipment, complex setups, and intrusive designs can make it a hassle. But here’s where the NanoVi truly shines and why it’s become one of my absolute favorites: its practicality.

The design is sleek and compact, and it doesn’t scream “medical device” or “futuristic gadget.” Instead, it’s unobtrusive and stylish, blending seamlessly with the aesthetics of my living room. This means I don’t have to deal with the hassle of setting it up and then hiding it away post-use. It’s always there, ready for action, much like a decorative piece that also happens to be a powerhouse of cellular rejuvenation.

Using the NanoVi is as straightforward as it gets. The 15-minute sessions are a breeze to incorporate into my daily routine. Whether it’s during a morning meditation, a midday break, or a quiet evening moment, those 15 minutes become an oasis of calm and healing. And I’m not the only one who swears by its ease of use. Prominent figures in the biohacking community, like Ben Greenfield, have integrated the ENG3 NanoVi into their routines, with Ben even opting for two sessions a day!

Fun story: This summer I went on a trip to Europe with my friend Oxana, and I actually missed having my NanoVi 15-min sessions! I use it almost daily at home, and not having it around for months made me realize how important it has become in my routine.

anti aging my body

Recommendations for Beginners

If you’ve just unboxed your device or are contemplating making the investment, here are some tips from my experience with it.

First and foremost, start slow. While you might want to jump straight into daily sessions, it’s essential to let your body acclimatize. Begin with a few sessions a week, savoring the experience and observing how your body responds. As you grow more comfortable and familiar with the device, you can then ramp up the frequency.

Now, a word on expectations. If you’re someone who’s been battling health challenges or is in a state of compromised wellness, the immediate benefits of the ENG3 NanoVi might manifest more vividly. You might experience a surge in energy, improved vitality, or other noticeable changes. But for those who are already in a state of good health, remember that the magic is happening beneath the surface. Even if you don’t feel a dramatic shift, rest assured that at a cellular level, the ENG3 NanoVi is working wonders, ensuring your proteins fold correctly, supporting DNA repair, and optimizing mitochondrial function. Basically embrace it with an open heart and mind, and trust in the science and the profound benefits it brings to the table.

Like with any device or new regimen, always consult with your healthcare professional before starting to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs and conditions.

Coaching Sessions

I am currently offering one-on-one coaching sessions to help individuals who may be facing challenges in achieving their goals independently. My goal as a coach is to guide and support you in every step of your journey, while also holding you accountable for the actions you take towards achieving your desired outcomes.

Whether you want to improve your health and wellness, establish better habits, or achieve personal and professional growth, I can provide you with personalized attention, a customized approach that suits your unique needs, and the necessary tools and motivation to help you reach your full potential and transform your life.

Book a consultation here.

one year transformation


The world of biohacking is surrounded by countless gadgets and tools, and it’s easy to get lost. This is where having an experienced health coach becomes invaluable as we’ve tried all these devices and can save you time, effort, and potential financial setbacks. 

Every so often, you come across a game-changer that truly shifts your perspective and enriches your life. For me, the NanoVi has been one of those transformative gems.

And the best part? It’s not some complicated regimen. It’s as simple as breathing—literally.

I’ve always been an advocate for investing in oneself, be it through learning, experiences, or health. And while the initial cost of the ENG3 NanoVi might raise eyebrows, I’ve come to realize that the benefits it offers are truly priceless. From the profound cellular repair to the rejuvenation I feel after each session, this machine has become an integral part of my wellness routine. 


The ENG3 NanoVi is a device designed to support and improve cellular function by aiding in the protein folding process.

The device generates specific electromagnetic energies that mimic the bio-identical ROS signal. When absorbed by water, these energies are converted into coherent domains, promoting the formation of ordered water around proteins in our cells, which aids in proper protein folding.

Proteins are like tiny workers in our body. For them to function correctly, they need to fold into a specific shape. Proper protein folding ensures our body operates optimally, leading to better health and vitality.

While those with health challenges might experience more immediate benefits, even individuals in good health can benefit from the deep cellular advantages the device offers.

While daily use is recommended for maximum benefits, using it 3-4 times a week can also be beneficial.

Each session typically lasts 15 minutes.

Yes, many athletes use the machine to enhance their performance by improving oxygen utilization, nutrient absorption, and overall cellular energy production.

No, while it offers anti-aging benefits by supporting DNA repair and optimizing mitochondrial function, it can also provide benefits like enhanced athletic performance, better immunity, and improved overall health.

The device is sleek, compact, and designed to blend seamlessly into living spaces. It's easy to incorporate into daily routines, making it practical for regular use.

No, the ENG3 NanoVi is designed for ease of use. It's always ready for action without complex setups.

Yes, but like with any new device or regimen, it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting.

natalia naila coaching

With a positive approach and a motivation mindset, you will reach your health goals, no matter how hard they may seem at first. Learn more about my one-on-one coaching program here.


Picture of Natalia Naila | Health & Life Coach

Natalia Naila | Health & Life Coach

Ready to take the next step in reaching your personal and professional goals? Let's work together to uncover your strengths and overcome any obstacles that may be holding you back. Contact me today to start living your best life.

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