Mission Longevity: My Personal Journey Towards Anti-Aging My Body

anti aging

From the very first wrinkle I spotted, a sudden curiosity came within me: Could we truly turn back time, not just on the surface, but deep within our cells? That intrigue transformed into a full-fledged mission—a dedication to rejuvenate every fiber of my being and a journey to anti-age my body.

This pursuit is not just about vanity, it’s about health, vitality, and living a longer, fuller life. I want to share every step of my experience, from the unexpected challenges to the exciting milestones. The progress I’ve made so far has been thrilling, and the future looks even more promising. I’m writing this for anyone who’s ever wondered about the possibility of turning back the clock, not just on the outside, but at the cellular level. Here’s my story.

tally health ahge

The Exciting Beginning

When I did the last Tally test to read my biological age, the results were incredible: in just 8 months, I had anti-aged by 2.5 years. This all together I am now at minus 3 years and 9 months! It’s tangible proof that my body is rejuvenating. I feel younger, healthier, more alive. I want to get to 10-15 years, even 20 if possible! The big biohackers, the pioneers in this field, are talking about 20 years being possible, so bring it on!

But how did I get here? It all started with understanding the concept of biological age. Unlike chronological age, biological age is a measure of how well your body is functioning, and how it can be influenced by lifestyle, diet, exercise, and more. It’s about the choices we make daily and how they impact our overall well-being.

continous glucose monitoring

So, what was the magic formula? A combination of interventions:

The CGM device by Levels was instrumental in enlightening me about my metabolic health and glucose spikes. I became intimately familiar with what foods were beneficial and which ones wreaked havoc on my system.

Regular infrared sauna sessions, about 2-3 times a week, were also crucial. They not only helped detoxify my body, ridding it of inflammation and heavy metals but also promoted overall wellness. It took a persistent effort over 2 years to cleanse my body of heavy metals, and the sauna played a significant role in that process.

Then there were the peptides and a revamped vitamin regimen, fine-tuned for my unique needs. The difference was like night and day, with my cells rejuvenated, functioning optimally, and in essence, rolling back the years.

anti aging my body

The Challenge

Anti-aging almost 4 years is not easy. You have to stay on top of so many routines, just like I did for the last 9 months. You need to anti-age on a cellular level. There’s no magic pill to swallow; it doesn’t work like that. Instead, it requires commitment, dedication, and a willingness to learn about what truly affects the aging process. 

I had to dive into subjects like cellular rejuvenation, mitochondria health, hormonal balance, and so much more. I learned to appreciate the intricate machinery of the human body and understand that every part of it needs proper care and attention. From diet to supplements, from exercise to mental health, every aspect plays a vital role. It’s like nurturing a garden; you need to tend to every plant, ensuring it has the right soil, sunlight, and water. Only then will it flourish.

The Journey so Far

My mission to anti-age my body began 4 years ago with Viome, a health and wellness program that helped me understand my body at its true age. This was not about masking the wrinkles or hiding the grays; it was about going to the root of aging and reversing it.

Then I did the Tally health test in June, and now I’m almost 4 years into anti-aging my body. I’m hoping to get another 3 years going into next year, my goal is to get to 10-15 years. It’s an ambitious goal, but it’s not impossible. I’ve spent hours researching, experimenting, and consulting experts in the field. I’ve tried various diets, supplements, therapies, and technologies, always measuring their impact and adjusting my approach accordingly. I’ve learned about the importance of sleep, the magic of peptides, the power of infrared saunas, and the critical role of clean living.

From the foods I eat to the products I use, everything has been analyzed, assessed, and optimized. I’ve also realized that this journey is not just about extending life but enhancing its quality. It’s about waking up with energy, having a clear mind, enjoying a strong body, and living each day with a sense of purpose and joy.

The Regimen

ProLon – Periodic Fasting

Every 3 months, I embark on the ProLon fasting regimen. It’s a scientific approach to fasting that enhances the body’s natural renewal process. It’s not just about weight loss but about cellular rejuvenation, mitochondria efficiency, and a balanced immune system.

Supplementation & Nutrition

This journey also requires me to be conscious of my vitamins, amino acids, and other essential nutrients. From Omega-3 fatty acids to Vitamin D, each supplement has a role to play. Monitoring them ensures that my body is getting exactly what it needs to thrive.

Cleaning the Mitochondria & Cell Rejuvenation

Cleaning the mitochondria means optimizing the energy factories of my cells. Through specific diets, exercises, and supplements, I help my body get rid of damaged cells and encourage the growth of new ones.

Telomeres, DHEA & Hormones

Telomeres are like the protective caps on our chromosomes. Keeping them healthy is crucial for anti-aging. Similarly, maintaining the right DHEA levels and hormone balance supports everything from mood regulation to muscle growth.

continous glucose monitoring

Lessons Learned from CGM Devices

The Initial Shock

The first month when I started using the Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) device by Levels, I was in for a surprise. I thought I was eating healthily, but it revealed to me just how much my glucose was spiking after meals.

The Second Month & Understanding My Body

It wasn’t until the second month, when I made adjustments to my diet, that I leveled down on my glucose and stopped the spikes. Monitoring my glucose levels taught me how to listen to my body and understand what truly works for me.

Metabolizing Properly & Anti-Aging the Cells

CGM devices helped me realize the importance of proper metabolism in anti-aging. It’s not just about what you eat but how your body processes it. If your glucose is constantly spiking, your cells are under stress, aging faster.

A Tool for Better Health

These devices have become essential in my anti-aging journey. They help me track my daily progress, understand my body’s reactions, and make data-driven decisions. They empower me to make healthier choices every day.

anti aging my body

Understanding Habit Formation

A year is an ideal timeframe for significant personal transformation, and here’s why: habits take time to form. They are like building blocks for our life, setting the structure for our daily routines. To change habits is to change the very essence of our daily living.

The Science Behind Habits
Habit formation is a complex neurological process. When you repeat an action over time, it becomes ingrained in your neural pathways. Some experts believe that it takes about 66 days to form a new habit, but in reality, it might take much longer depending on the complexity and your individual nature.

The Brain as a Friend and Foe
Your brain can be your worst enemy in this process. It loves routine and resists change, often causing setbacks in your transformation. But understanding this resistance and working with it, rather than against it, can turn the brain into an ally.

The Psychological Aspects
It’s not just about changing what you do, but how you think and feel. Emotions and mindsets play a vital role in habit change. It’s about self-compassion, patience, resilience, and believing that you can change.

One Year of Commitment
A year gives you time to understand, experiment, fail, learn, and finally succeed. It provides the space for trial and error, adjustments, and finding what truly resonates with you. A year is a good time because it recognizes the human element in transformation; we are not machines that can be reprogrammed overnight.

red light therapy benefits

Lifestyle Changes and Biohacks

Red Light Therapy

Like I mentioned earlier, the infrared sauna has been a cornerstone of my anti-aging process. Unlike traditional saunas, infrared saunas penetrate deeper into the skin, muscles, and joints. This has numerous benefits:

Deep Detoxification: By encouraging a deep sweat, I’ve been able to purge toxins, including pernicious heavy metals, from my system.

Relief in Every Session: The gentle warmth soothes muscle tension and relieves joint pains.

Radiant Skin: Over time, the enhanced circulation and detoxification process leaves my skin with a rejuvenated glow.

Weight Loss: It aids in burning calories and weight management.

This helps with anti-aging because when your body is clean, you don’t have gut issues, and your liver, blood and kidneys are all clean.

heavy metal detox

Working on Heavy Metals

Heavy metals like mercury and lead can accumulate in the body, affecting everything from brain function to digestion. These notorious elements had nestled into corners of my body, impacting everything from mental clarity to metabolic efficiency. My targeted approach entailed:

Nutritional Defense: I embraced a diet rich in foods known for their natural chelation properties, serving as a frontline defense against these metals.

Supplemental Support: I enlisted specific supplements to actively bind and escort these metals out of my system.

Expert Guidance: Regular check-ins with healthcare specialists ensured I stayed on course, keeping the detox journey both safe and effective.

anti aging my body

The Supplement Revolution

Utilizing the latest scientific technologies, I found supplements that are customized to my body’s needs. These aren’t your average multivitamins:

Personalized Formulations: Tailored to my unique genetic makeup and health requirements.

Quality Ingredients: Sourced from reputable suppliers, ensuring purity and efficacy.

Adaptive Strategy: As I progressed on my journey, my body evolved, and so did my supplement needs. Regular monitoring allowed me to re-calibrate and refine my regimen, always staying one step ahead.

concious shopping

Conscious Living, Conscious Choices

Beyond what I put into my body, I became acutely aware of my surroundings. When I was selecting fabrics for my clothing line (hello, MODAL!), or deciding on household products, purity was paramount. Every product, from the ones that grace my skin to the ones that touch my home’s surfaces, needs to be free of harmful chemicals.

But it’s essential to remember that my journey and results are not the outcome of just one intervention or choice. It’s a culmination of multiple decisions, a series of milestones. Whether it’s the products I use, the supplements I consume, or the sauna sessions I never miss, it’s the synergy of all these elements that has brought me this far. It’s not just about the individual choices, but how they intertwine and amplify each other’s effects.

From cosmetics to cleaners, I’ve made a conscious effort to ensure everything in my home is as pure and beneficial as possible. Whether it’s mouth care, the soap in my shower, or cleaning agents, I’ve sought out the cleanest, most natural options. Living this way isn’t just a phase; it’s a deeply ingrained lifestyle. I am fully committed to being mindful and conscious at every level of my existence.

anti aging my body

A few other simple things I do include avoiding polyester, mindfully eating and exercising regularly.

Why Avoiding Synthetic Matters: Polyester and other synthetic fibers can contain harmful chemicals. They’re less comfortable and may even harm the skin over time.

Embracing Natural Options: Natural fibers like modal, cotton, silk, and wool have become my go-to choices. They’re not only better for my skin but align with my values of sustainability and quality.

Importance of Organic and Non-GMO: I make sure to choose foods that are local, organic, and non-GMO. It’s about health but also about supporting sustainable and responsible farming practices.

Reading Labels: Understanding food labels has allowed me to avoid unhealthy ingredients and choose products that align with my health goals.

Cooking at Home: By preparing meals at home, I had complete control over ingredients, portions, and preparation methods. This was not just healthier; it became a joyful and meditative process.

Personalized Workouts: Instead of following generic workout plans, I focused on exercises that were enjoyable and aligned with my anti-aging goals. This meant a blend of strength training, flexibility exercises, and cardiovascular workouts.

Mental and Physical Balance: Practices like yoga and meditation have become integral, fostering a connection between mind and body.

The Power of Routine: Establishing a routine was vital. It wasn’t about occasional intense workouts but consistent, daily commitment, making exercise a non-negotiable part of life.

peptide epitalon

Infrared Sauna and Peptides

As mentioned earlier, saunas, particularly infrared saunas, are more than just relaxation tools. They have profound impacts on detoxification, muscle relaxation, joint health, and overall wellness.

Peptides, specifically Epitalon (an enzyme that helps lengthen telomeres), have played a pivotal role in my anti-aging journey.

Telomeres are the protective ends of chromosomes, and their length is linked to aging. I utilized peptides specifically aimed at lengthening telomeres, enhancing the natural ability of the body to repair DNA.

Combining Sauna and Peptides as I have done, creates a synergistic effect. The sauna prepares the body, opening pores and increasing circulation, and peptides work on a more microscopic level, enhancing cellular function.

hydrogen water

Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen water is no ordinary water. Infusing water with molecular hydrogen can have significant health benefits, including powerful antioxidant effects, reducing inflammation, and improving metabolism. I make sure to avoid plastic bottles, and by using glass bottles, I ensure that no harmful substances from plastics interfere with the quality of the hydrogen water. Glass preserves the taste and is reusable and eco-friendly.

anti aging my body

Key Techniques

Supplements, latest technologies, the infrared sauna, peptides—all these things move the needle on a cellular level but again- it’s doing them together that has brought me to results.

Understanding the Evolution: With the progress in health technology, we can now specifically target cellular health using supplements and technologies. These aren’t just random supplements but carefully crafted solutions based on rigorous scientific research.

Mechanism of Action: The pills work by influencing cellular functions—from the production of energy in mitochondria to cellular communication—optimizing the body’s essential processes.

Choosing the Best: With an overwhelming number of options out there, it’s vital to pinpoint what’s best for individual needs. For me, this involved partnering with healthcare experts and researchers to determine the most effective solutions.

Monitoring and Adjusting: Regular check-ins and adjustments to the regimen ensured that the pills continued to be effective as my body changed and adapted.

Moreover, cutting-edge pills from renowned platforms like Neurohacker have proven to reverse aging at the cellular level. Personalities like Mark Hyman and Dave Asprey endorse them. One prime example is the Qualia Senolytic, a pill aimed at reversing aging.


The Ultimate Cell Repair & Rejuvenation Formula

Qualia Senolytic stands at the pinnacle of anti-aging research, offering potential solutions to the complexities of aging at a cellular level. It addresses cellular senescence, a hallmark of aging, where cells cease dividing but persistently exist, impacting healthy tissue functions as age advances. The term “senolytic” defines substances aiming to eliminate these senescent cells, making way for rejuvenated cell populations.

For those keen on embracing this cutting-edge science, the recommended dosage is a two-day rejuvenation regimen taken monthly, with evidence suggesting that weeks might elapse before senescent cells reaccumulate in the body.


Health Benefits: More Than Just a Supplement

I’ve also been incorporating AutophagyMax, a top-tier product in the anti-aging market. It’s a versatile pill, highly recommended by biohackers and scientists, aimed at cellular rejuvenation and countering inflammation.


Benefits of the AutophagyMax Multi-Pack

This pack offers:

Turmeric Extract: Suggested to trigger apoptosis and autophagy.

Green Tea Extract: Believed to initiate autophagy.

Resveratrol+: May stimulate autophagy via certain pathways.

spermidineLIFE®: A promising autophagy-inducing compound.

Berberine: Known to induce autophagy in specific cell types.

Quercetin: Induces apoptosis and augments autophagy.

NMN: Believed to stimulate autophagy through the creation of autophagosomes.

The Cornerstone of Cellular Renewal

Autophagy, the cell’s natural renewal mechanism, can be instigated by micronutrients termed “fasting mimetics”, with spermidine being a crucial one. Longevity Labs® leads in producing spermidine via its pioneering spermidineLIFE® brand. Their newest line, essentials by Longevity Labs®, aims to deliver all required fasting mimetics in a handy daily supplement package.


Mitopure - Cellular Nutrition

Mitopure is the pioneering and sole clinically tested pure Urolithin A postbiotic, surpassing dietary sources like pomegranate juice by delivering 6X more Urolithin A per 500mg serving. It’s like a super-packed pomegranate juice in a little packet.

This molecule rejuvenates cells by replacing their worn-out mitochondria, crucial for energy production. Most people lack sufficient gut bacteria to process these ellagitannins. A study found that merely 12 out of 100 participants had Urolithin A in their bloodstream. Even after consuming pomegranate juice, only 40% showed notable Urolithin A levels. The reason? While pomegranates have stuff that helps our body cells stay young and strong, many of us can’t get the benefits just by eating them- Not all stomachs have the right diversity and the key difference lies in the gut microbiome diversity- those with richer gut bacteria could produce more Urolithin A. While the specifics of these beneficial bacteria remain elusive, introducing supplements like Mitopure ensures everyone can take advantage of Urolithin A’s benefits.

anti aging my body

Customized Approach

When I took the leap to understand my biological age, another one of the significant steps I took was diving deep into the world of DNA testing. Contrary to general health check-ups, these tests weren’t just about looking for red flags but about understanding the core of who I am, on a cellular and genetic level.

DNA Tests – Personalizing Health

A Deep Dive into Genetics: 

With the rapid advancements in genetic research, DNA tests have become an invaluable tool for wellness enthusiasts like me. These tests delve deep into our genetic blueprint, revealing insights about our unique dietary needs, potential health risks, and much more.

Understanding Deficiencies

Once I had my DNA results, the data was illuminating. For instance, one pivotal discovery was a deficiency in Vitamin A, and due to certain markers in my DNA, I was predisposed to slight ADHD. Instead of relying on a generic approach, I now had a personalized roadmap to cater to these specific needs. 


To some, biohacking might sound like the latest wellness trend, but for me, it’s a holistic approach to health. It’s about synergizing science with personal experience. Knowing my DNA markers enabled me to “hack” my system for optimal function. I wasn’t just adhering to the latest wellness trend but following a path designed specifically for my biology.

Proactive Over Reactive

One of the vital lessons in this journey was the understanding that this process wasn’t just about boosting health but preventing potential pitfalls. Without the knowledge of my DNA, I might have unknowingly exacerbated certain conditions or missed out on essential nutrients.

A Continuous Process

Testing isn’t a one-time thing. Regular monitoring and retesting ensure that the approach continues to match the changing needs and conditions of my body.

By leveraging these genetic insights, I’m not merely hoping for better health; I’m actively sculpting it. This path has brought an understanding of the importance of personalization in wellness. It’s not about what works for the masses, but what resonates and benefits the individual. And in my case, the results have been nothing short of transformative.

anti aging my body

The Significance of Sleep and Data Monitoring

When it comes to assessing sleep quality, raw data can be an eye-opener. Devices like the Oura Ring offer fascinating insights. For example, I might believe I’ve had a solid 8-hour sleep, but the metrics reveal it’s closer to 6. Such insights drive me to manage my time and habits more efficiently. While our perceptions can be subjective, data doesn’t lie. 

anti aging my body

Tools like Oura and CGM are more than just gadgets; they’re companions on your anti-aging journey. The information they provide is gold. And with my guidance, you can decode this data, optimizing strategies that truly work for you.

life coach vs therapist

The Importance of Health Coaches

The world of anti-aging can be overwhelming for many. Even the basics, like understanding vitamins, can be challenging without proper guidance. That’s where health coaches, like myself, step in. In collaboration with experts such as functional doctors, we craft a strategic path for you, eliminating the guesswork.

Over the years, I’ve invested both time and resources, navigating through successes and missteps, to acquire this knowledge. You don’t have to spend money and do a bunch of experiments and trials as I’ve done. I’ve spent a lot, trying to research and trial things on myself, and I’ve failed many times, even harming my body. But I never stopped learning, and now others don’t need to go through what I did. My experience is your shortcut.

Instead of venturing alone and possibly spending more money and time, partnering with someone knowledgeable like me can streamline your journey. It’s crucial to realize the value of health guides and appreciate the expertise they bring to the table.

Coaching Sessions

I am currently offering one-on-one coaching sessions to help individuals who may be facing challenges in achieving their goals independently. My goal as a coach is to guide and support you in every step of your journey, while also holding you accountable for the actions you take towards achieving your desired outcomes.

Whether you want to improve your health and wellness, establish better habits, or achieve personal and professional growth, I can provide you with personalized attention, a customized approach that suits your unique needs, and the necessary tools and motivation to help you reach your full potential and transform your life.

Book a consultation here.

anti aging my body


I am on a mission to continue anti-aging my body until I reach minus 10-15 years. I don’t know how long it’s going to take as I’m doing my own research and experiments, but I’m eager to see where this path takes me! 

Anti-aging isn’t about a secret potion or quick fixes, it’s a holistic approach to life. It’s about understanding the complex machinery of our bodies and treating them with the respect they deserve. Whether it’s through fasting, supplementation, cellular rejuvenation, or using the latest technologies like CGM devices, every step has taught me something valuable. It’s a journey filled with discoveries, challenges, triumphs, and a profound appreciation for the gift of life.

Conscious living has been a journey of understanding, commitment, and alignment with values. From the choices I made in my fashion career to my daily hydration with hydrogen water, every decision reflects a thoughtful approach to life. These choices are connected to my health goals, my sense of responsibility to the environment, and a desire to live in harmony with my body and the world around me.

natalia naila coaching

With a positive approach and a motivation mindset, you will reach your health goals, no matter how hard they may seem at first. Learn more about my one-on-one coaching program here.


Picture of Natalia Naila | Health & Life Coach

Natalia Naila | Health & Life Coach

Ready to take the next step in reaching your personal and professional goals? Let's work together to uncover your strengths and overcome any obstacles that may be holding you back. Contact me today to start living your best life.

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