Boost Your Metabolic Health by Training Your Body to Use the Food You Eat More Efficiently

metabolic health lumen

With metabolic imbalances playing a significant role in numerous health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and kidney disease, it’s vital to learn how to fine-tune our body’s metabolic processes.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can empower your metabolism to utilize the food you consume more effectively, paving the way for enhanced metabolic health and a journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you.

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Metabolic Health and Its Importance

Metabolic health is important because it plays a significant role in reducing the risk of metabolic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, kidney disease, and liver disease[1][2]. Factors that influence metabolic health include diet, exercise, and weight training[3][4].

Maintaining good metabolic health is crucial for various aspects of daily life, including energy levels, mood, gut health and cognitive function. Poor metabolic health can lead to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and a host of related disorders and chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

By adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet of vibration foods, regular physical activity, stress management and implementing a few biohacks like using the CGM monitoring device from Levels to monitor your glucose spikes, you can significantly improve your metabolic health, reduce your risk factors for serious diseases, and enjoy a more vibrant life.

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Metabolic Dysfunction: Understanding the Risks

Overweight and obesity are the main risk factors for metabolic syndrome, as they can raise “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides, and blood pressure, and lower “good” HDL cholesterol[5]. Management and prevention of metabolic syndrome include maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, eliminating the use of cigarettes or other tobacco products, and being physically active[6].

Metabolic dysfunction, or poor metabolic health, can manifest in several ways, including high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and a large waist circumference. These issues increase the risk of developing metabolic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease.

Worsening metabolic health has been linked to a significantly increased risk of health complications, such as heart attacks, kidney disease, and blood vessel damage. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain good metabolic health to avoid these serious health problems.

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Metabolically Healthy: What Does It Mean?

Being metabolically healthy means that your body can efficiently process and utilize the nutrients from the food you eat. This involves maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as well as having a healthy body weight and a good balance of fat cells and lean muscle mass.

Please remember that being metabolically healthy does not necessarily mean being skinny! Poor dietary habits or unhealthy diets can lead to metabolic imbalances.

prolon day fast mimicking diet

The ProLon diet is an example of a program that aims to help reset your body’s metabolic processes. By following a carefully designed meal plan, the ProLon diet promotes cellular rejuvenation and supports metabolic flexibility, enabling your body to burn fat instead of carbs, leading to weight loss and improved overall health. I highly recommend it because I’ve been doing their 5-day fasting mimicking diet twice a year for over 6 years. See my experience with ProLon here.

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Improving Metabolic Health: Practical Tips

There are several ways to improve your metabolic health and train your metabolism to use the food you eat more efficiently:

  1. Monitor Your Blood Sugar: Regularly checking your blood sugar levels can help you identify patterns and make necessary dietary adjustments to maintain healthy glucose levels.

  2. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Losing excess weight can help improve insulin resistance and blood pressure.

  3. Exercise Regularly: Engaging in physical activity can help improve blood sugar control, increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of metabolic diseases.

  4. Eat a Balanced Diet: Consuming a diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help maintain good metabolic health and avoid blood sugar spikes.

  5. Manage Stress: Practicing stress management techniques can help reduce the negative impact of chronic stress on your metabolic health.

continous glucose monitoring

Understanding Blood Sugar and Its Role in Metabolic Health

Blood sugar, or glucose levels, play a critical role in metabolic health. When you consume food, your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which is then used for energy or stored as fat. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps regulate blood sugar levels by signaling cells to take up glucose from the bloodstream. Insulin resistance occurs when the cells don’t respond well to insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels and potentially metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and other health issues.

To maintain healthy blood sugar levels, it is essential to monitor your glucose levels and make necessary adjustments to your diet and exercise regimen. One way to do this is by using a continuous glucose monitor, like the one from Levels, which can provide real-time data on your blood sugar levels throughout the day.

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The Role of Fatty Acids in Metabolic Health

Fatty acids are essential components of a healthy diet and play a vital role in metabolic health. These nutrients help regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and support the proper function of blood vessels, among other bodily functions. Consuming a diet rich in healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil, can help improve your metabolic health.

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Avoiding Blood Sugar Spikes for Optimal Metabolic Health

To maintain optimal metabolic health, it is essential to prevent blood sugar spikes that can result from consuming high-glycemic-index foods or large quantities of simple carbohydrates. Blood sugar spikes can lead to increased insulin production, inflammation, and oxidative stress, which can negatively affect metabolic health. To avoid blood sugar spikes, incorporate high-fiber, low-glycemic-index foods, and lean proteins into your diet.

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Losing Weight and Reducing Body Fat for Better Metabolic Health

Carrying excess body fat, particularly belly fat, is a significant risk factor for metabolic disease and poor metabolic health. Losing weight and reducing body fat can help improve insulin resistance, blood pressure, and other health markers, leading to a lower risk of developing heart disease and other serious health problems.

Incorporating Amino Acids and High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) into Your Diet

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are essential for maintaining and repairing tissues in the body. Consuming a diet rich in high-quality proteins can support metabolic health by providing the necessary amino acids for optimal bodily function.

Additionally, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, also known as “good” cholesterol, helps remove harmful cholesterol from the bloodstream, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

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The Benefits of Regular Blood Tests and Checkups

Regular blood tests and annual physical examinations play a vital role in monitoring and maintaining your metabolic health. However, using devices like the continuous glucose monitor (CGM) from Levels to track your glucose levels in real-time or the device from Lumen that measures the amount of CO2 you’re exhaling (If the CO2 level is high, you’re burning carbs, and if it’s low, you’re in a state of fat burn) can offer even more detailed information.

This real-time data can enable you to detect potential issues early and make proactive lifestyle changes to address them, ultimately leading to better overall health management.

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Lumen: A Revolutionary Metabolic Health Device

Lumen is a cutting-edge device designed to monitor your metabolic health by analyzing your breath. By breathing into the device, you can learn how your body processes carbohydrates and fats, allowing you to make informed dietary choices and optimize your metabolism. The device’s intelligent algorithm analyzes your metabolic data and offers tailored advice on when to eat, when to stop eating, and how your body processes various nutrients. As a result, you can better understand your unique metabolic profile and make more informed decisions about your diet and lifestyle.

I recently purchased the Lumen device and have been amazed by its capabilities. It has helped me learn about my metabolic health and provided valuable guidance on how to improve it. I’ve been able to adjust my diet and exercise routine based on their personalized recommendations and already fee healthier and more energetic.

Using Lumen's Website for Additional Resources

Lumen’s website ( offers a wealth of information to help you get the most out of your device. The site features articles, tips, and advice on metabolic health, weight loss, nutrition, and exercise. By utilizing these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of how Lumen works and how to optimize your metabolic health.

Coaching Sessions

I am currently offering one-on-one coaching sessions to help individuals who may be facing challenges in achieving their goals independently. My goal as a coach is to guide and support you in every step of your journey, while also holding you accountable for the actions you take towards achieving your desired outcomes.

Whether you want to improve your health and wellness, establish better habits, or achieve personal and professional growth, I can provide you with personalized attention, a customized approach that suits your unique needs, and the necessary tools and motivation to help you reach your full potential and transform your life.

Book a consultation here.

metabolic health


Improving your metabolic health is essential for preventing chronic diseases, maintaining a healthy body weight, and promoting overall well-being. By making conscious lifestyle choices and incorporating innovative tools like Lumen into your routine, you can train your metabolism to use the food you eat more efficiently, leading to better health and a higher quality of life. Remember, the key to good metabolic health lies in understanding your body’s unique needs and making informed decisions based on that knowledge.


Metabolic health refers to how efficiently your body processes food and converts it into energy. Good metabolic health is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, regulating blood sugar, and reducing the risk of various diseases.

Some factors that affect metabolic health include insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise.

To improve your metabolic health, focus on regular exercise, a healthy diet, stress management, and consider using devices like Lumen to monitor and optimize your metabolism.

Losing weight, particularly excess body fat around the abdomen, can improve metabolic health by reducing insulin resistance, lowering high blood pressure, and decreasing the risk of heart disease and other metabolic disorders.

Fatty acids help regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and support proper blood vessel function. HDL, or "good" cholesterol, helps remove harmful cholesterol from the bloodstream, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Lumen is a device that measures your metabolic health by analyzing your breath. By breathing into the device, you can learn how your body processes carbohydrates and fats, allowing you to make informed dietary and lifestyle choices to improve your metabolic health.

While Lumen can provide valuable insights into your metabolic health and personalized diet recommendations, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive understanding of your health and any underlying conditions.

The Journal of Metabolic Syndrome and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) are valuable resources for staying informed about the latest research and trends in metabolic health.

metabolic health
natalia naila coaching

With a positive approach and a motivation mindset, you will reach your health goals, no matter how hard they may seem at first. Learn more about my one-on-one coaching program here.


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Natalia Naila | Health & Life Coach

Ready to take the next step in reaching your personal and professional goals? Let's work together to uncover your strengths and overcome any obstacles that may be holding you back. Contact me today to start living your best life.

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