Every one of us is familiar with our chronological age, the number of years that have passed since our birth. It’s straightforward, a simple matter of mathematics. However, have you ever thought about your biological age?
Your biological age refers to the age at which your body functions as compared to average fitness or health levels. People of the same chronological age can have varying degrees of biological age, meaning that one can be chronologically 50 years old, but biologically, they might be younger or older. Our lifestyle factors and habits greatly influence this discrepancy.
Biological Age vs. Chronological Age
Biological age refers to how old your cells and tissues are based on various biomarkers, while chronological age is the number of years you’ve been alive [1][2][3][4]. Biological age reflects a combination of your genetics, accumulated lifestyle factors, and other determinants such as demographics, diet, and exercise habits [3]. Chemical modifications on specific parts of your genome track predictably with age, and these sites of DNA methylation can be identified and analyzed to calculate biological age [3]. Biological age is a more complex construct than chronological age, as it must account for the variable effects of time on individuals [5]. Biomarkers of aging are biomarkers that could predict functional capacity at some later age better than chronological age, and they give the true “biological age,” which may be different from the chronological age [7].
Biological Age Tests: A Must Do for Longevity
Knowledge is power! Biological aging is a complex process influenced by a myriad of factors, including genetics, environment, diet, stress levels, and exercise habits, among others. This is where tests like Tally Health and Viome come in. They are aimed at determining your biological age accurately, providing a valuable tool for those invested in healthy aging and longevity.
Biological Age Tests: Not Just for the Old
Determining one’s biological age isn’t only beneficial for older adults. My friend’s son, who is 18 years old, took the Viome test and found his biological age to be 30. This may come as a surprise, but young individuals can age just as fast, if not faster, due to various lifestyle choices and genetic factors. Ignorance of one’s biological age could lead to an increased risk of age-related diseases and accelerated aging.
Many might not realize the correlation between their lifestyle choices and their health until they witness the stark difference between their chronological and biological ages. This knowledge can serve as a wake-up call and help steer them toward healthier habits.
My Personal Experience
As someone passionate about maintaining youth and vitality, I’ve spent a significant amount of time researching and experimenting with various tools to gauge and influence my biological age. My journey of self-experimentation began four years ago with the Viome test that gave me an insight into my biological age and the health of my gut microbiome. Four years of diligent effort focusing on lifestyle habits and biohacking strategies, from proper nutrition to advanced interventions like peptide therapy, has helped me maintain my biological age. As a result, even as my chronological age has advanced, I’ve managed to “anti-age” my body, keeping it biologically younger.
Recently, I’ve started a peptide regimen focusing on telomere lengthening, one of the most advanced interventions in anti-aging. The results so far have been promising. Six months ago, my Viome test results showed that my biological age was four years younger than my chronological age.
I’m excited to see the effect of my recent interventions when I conduct the Tally Health test after my current peptide cycle.
My functional doctor has been instrumental in guiding me on this journey. Regular monitoring and tests have shown that I am currently biologically 5-6 years younger than my chronological age. While the ultimate goal is to reverse aging by 20 years, my immediate aim for this year is to add another 2-3 years to the four years I’ve already gained, making it a total of 7-8 years of anti-aging. Such victories in my health journey wouldn’t have been possible without these biological age tests.
Viome and Tally Health
Viome does an excellent job determining your biological age, but it’s more than just that. It also gives you information about your gut health and various other important markers. It’s a must do.
I also recommend the test from Tally Health, a product from David Sinclair‘s company. In my experience, Tally Health has the most accurate and comprehensive test on the market for biological age. Their test is not only accurate but also easy to perform; all it requires is a simple cheek swab. Plus, Tally Health has the added bonus of designing a supplement regimen to help reduce your biological age further.
The Influence of Biohacking on Biological Age
Biohacking is a practice that often surprises people. Some may wonder why someone would go to such lengths, taking various supplements and adjusting their lifestyles. To understand why, one must first comprehend the essence of anti-aging your cells, mitochondria, and body. Biohacking allows us to rejuvenate our cells, replenishing our organs, and make us feel amazing.
Some notable figures in the biohacking world include Mark Hyman, David Sinclair, Ben Greenfield, and David Asprey. All these individuals have successfully anti-aged their bodies, using various techniques to decrease their biological age.
One such technique I’ve been experimenting with recently is the use of peptides, specifically a product called Peptone. It’s designed to lengthen your telomeres, a key part of anti-aging at a cellular level.
The Goal: Reverse Aging by 20 Years
Looking youthful, having amazing energy, strength, and a clear mind are not the privileges reserved only for the young. The goal, as I see it, is to anti-age by 20 years. It sounds ambitious, and indeed, it is. The mission is to continuously anti-age my body, so when I’m 50, I would look and feel 30, and when I’m 60, I would emulate the health and vitality of a 40-year-old.
The question that naturally arises here is, why do I want to do this? For me, the goal is clear – to preserve my youth and to feel and look amazing as I enter my 40s, 50s, 60s, and even beyond. The prospect of living past 100, while still maintaining a youthful appearance, extraordinary energy, strength, and a clear mind, is incredibly exiting.
The Role of Telomeres in Aging
Telomeres, the protective caps on the ends of our chromosomes, play a vital role in the aging process. As we age, these protective caps shorten, causing our cells to age and function less efficiently. Therefore, telomere length serves as a biological age predictor and a significant marker for health and longevity.
Recently, I have incorporated a peptide, peptone, into my biohacking regimen, aimed at lengthening my telomeres. As telomere lengthening represents a whole new level of anti-aging, I am eager to see the effect of this intervention on my biological age when I take my next Tally Health test.
Biological Age Predictors and the Role of Epigenetic Markers
Epigenetic markers are chemical changes to the DNA and proteins that bind DNA, which influence gene activity. These markers change as we age, and these changes can be measured to determine our biological age. This type of aging research is still in its early stages, but it is a promising field.
Epigenetic clocks are one such tool, and they measure DNA methylation, a particular type of epigenetic marker. The pace of these clocks may speed up due to poor lifestyle habits, leading to what is known as ‘epigenetic aging’. When your epigenetic age is higher than your chronological age, you are considered to be biologically older.
Interactions between Lifestyle Factors and Biological Aging
An individual’s lifestyle choices and habits significantly impact their biological aging process. Unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and high stress, can accelerate aging at a cellular level. It’s where the journey of self-improvement and lifestyle modifications to enhance one’s health begins.
Proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and effective stress management are essential for promoting healthy aging and possibly reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Your diet should comprise a well-balanced range of nutrients to fuel your cells, promoting their optimal function, and in turn, improving your biological age. Exercise is equally critical, not only for maintaining a healthy body weight but also for promoting cardiovascular health, improving body composition, and boosting mood.
Biological Age and Chronic Disease Risk
Understanding the link between biological age and chronic disease risk is crucial. A higher biological age could indicate an increased risk for developing various age-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. It’s important to realize that each year added to your biological age can potentially increase your susceptibility to these diseases.
Regular blood tests are a crucial component of monitoring your overall health and determining your risk of developing these diseases. They provide valuable data about your blood composition, enabling you to make necessary lifestyle adjustments. These tests, along with biological age tests like Viome and Tally Health, provide a comprehensive overview of your health status.
Can We Improve Our Biological Age?
Yes, we can. One exciting aspect of understanding your biological age is that it is not set in stone. You can improve your biological age through a variety of lifestyle modifications, nutritional changes, and biohacking methods.
For instance, a study published in J Natl Cancer Inst revealed a correlation between breast cancer risk and biological age. Women with a higher biological age, determined through DNA methylation patterns (a type of epigenetic marker), were found to have a higher risk for breast cancer. This shows that our lifestyle choices, and subsequently our biological age, can play a significant role in our overall health.
Understanding your own biological age provides you with a critical health metric. Once you’re aware of where you stand, you can take the necessary steps to improve your biological age, thereby enhancing your health, vitality, and potentially increasing your lifespan.
Epigenetic Aging and the Role of DNA Methylation
Epigenetic aging is a measure of the change in our epigenetic markers over time, such as DNA methylation. Epigenetic clocks, which measure DNA methylation levels, can provide a clear picture of our biological age. These clocks can reveal our true age, right down to the cellular level, offering a more accurate assessment than chronological age.
DNA methylation is a natural process that occurs in our bodies and is one of the mechanisms through which our genes are regulated. With the advancing of age, changes in DNA methylation patterns occur, which scientists can measure to estimate biological age. When the patterns of DNA methylation show a more significant change than expected by chronological age, it is referred to as accelerated epigenetic aging, a phenomenon that can lead to a higher risk of age-related diseases.
The Future of Aging and Biological Health
The journey of anti-aging is not a quest for the fountain of youth, but rather a path towards healthy aging. It’s about preserving the vitality of our younger years while adding wisdom to our life. The ability to accurately determine our biological age is a significant step towards this path. Understanding our biological age provides us with a clear picture of our health and equips us with the knowledge to make informed decisions about our lifestyle habits.
The science of biological aging continues to evolve, driven by advancements in genetics, epigenetics, and bioinformatics.
Everyone Should Know Their Biological Age
Understanding your biological age is not just a tool for biohackers or those interested in longevity. It’s an essential measure of overall health for everyone, regardless of their chronological age. It can provide insights that lead to early interventions and lifestyle modifications to prevent chronic diseases. For example, a friend’s 18-year-old son was found to have a biological age of 30. Knowing this helped him make lifestyle changes that could potentially prevent the onset of age-related diseases.
Coaching Sessions
I am currently offering one-on-one coaching sessions to help individuals who may be facing challenges in achieving their goals independently. My goal as a coach is to guide and support you in every step of your journey, while also holding you accountable for the actions you take towards achieving your desired outcomes.
Whether you want to improve your health and wellness, establish better habits, or achieve personal and professional growth, I can provide you with personalized attention, a customized approach that suits your unique needs, and the necessary tools and motivation to help you reach your full potential and transform your life.
Conclusion: Your Health is More Than Just a Number
Every day, we get a little bit older chronologically but that doesn’t mean we have to age biologically. We live in exciting times where tests like Tally Health and Viome enable us to accurately determine our biological age from the comfort of our homes. This is not just a number; it’s a valuable health marker that can shape our lifestyle choices and drive us towards a healthier future.
With the knowledge of your biological age, you can make lifestyle changes that would promote healthy aging and potentially decrease the risk of chronic diseases. For me, this journey of self-discovery and biohacking to improve my biological age is a pursuit of longevity, vitality, and a high quality of life.
Chronological age is the number of years a person has been alive, while biological age refers to how old a person seems based on various physiological markers.
Biological age is determined through various methods such as blood tests, DNA methylation tests (epigenetic clocks), and phenotypic age assessment.
DNA methylation is a chemical modification of DNA sequence, and patterns of methylation change with age. These patterns can be used to estimate biological age with remarkable accuracy.
A combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and other healthy lifestyle habits can help to improve your biological age.
Yes, studies have shown that individuals with a higher biological age, regardless of their chronological age, have higher mortality rates.
Knowing your biological age can give you an accurate picture of your overall health and can guide lifestyle changes to promote healthy aging.
Environmental factors like stress, diet, and exposure to toxins can significantly impact our biological age by affecting various physiological markers.
Yes, lifestyle changes, such as adopting a healthier diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress, can help slow down the aging process and reduce your biological age.
Tally Health and Viome are companies that provide tests to determine your biological age and offer personalized health recommendations based on the results.
Knowing your biological age can give you insights into your health at the cellular level, help you make proactive lifestyle changes, and even potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Regular testing can help track your progress and the impact of lifestyle changes. Many health professionals recommend testing your biological age annually.
Yes, young people can also have a high biological age due to unhealthy lifestyle habits, stress, or genetic factors. It's beneficial for people of all ages to know their biological age.
With a positive approach and a motivation mindset, you will reach your health goals, no matter how hard they may seem at first. Learn more about my one-on-one coaching program here.