I went on a journey with the ProLon 5-day fast mimicking diet about 6 years ago, and it was a game changer for me. I discovered it through a friend who is a naturopath, I told him that I was having trouble losing my belly fat after having a baby about a year prior.
He introduced me to ProLon and told me about all the rejuvenation benefits it had to offer, not just the weight loss but possible rejuvenation of my biological clock and becoming younger. I was intrigued and decided to give it a try.
I have to say, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
The results were absolutely amazing, I lost 9 pounds in 5 days and all of it was belly fat that I had been struggling to lose. Not only did I lose the weight, but I also felt highly energetic, like something had changed inside of me. I could tell that my cells were rejuvenating and I was on high alert. I felt like a brand new person, with high energy and vitality.
ProLon is a great diet to try for anyone looking for a convenient and healthy way to lose weight and rejuvenate their body and I only recommend it because it was a game changer for me.

Source: Prestige Online
First things first, what is ProLon?
The ProLon 5-day fast mimicking diet is a dietary program that is designed to mimic the effects of fasting while still providing the body with essential nutrients. It is a plant-based, low-calorie diet that is intended to promote weight loss, improve metabolic health, and support overall health and wellness.
It was developed by Dr. Valter Longo and his team at the University of Southern California and consists of a box of specially formulated, plant-based, calorie-restricted meals and supplements that provide between 800-1,100 calories per day.
It works by promoting the body to enter a state of ketosis, which is a metabolic state in which the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. During this state, the body also promotes cellular rejuvenation and elimination of bad cells, promoting the regeneration of new healthy cells.

What is visceral fat?
Visceral fat is the type of fat that is located inside the abdominal cavity, surrounding the internal organs, such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. It’s also known as “deep” or “organ” fat, and it’s different from the subcutaneous fat, which is the fat that lies just beneath the skin and can be pinched.
Visceral fat is particularly dangerous because it releases inflammatory compounds and hormones that can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. It also increases the risk of metabolic disorders like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
One of the reasons why visceral fat is hard to lose is that it’s metabolically active, meaning it produces hormones and other compounds that can affect the body’s metabolism. This makes it harder for the body to burn off as energy compared to subcutaneous fat. Additionally, visceral fat is more resistant to traditional weight loss methods such as diet and exercise.

ProLon works to help remove visceral fat
As a health coach, I have a lot of experience with different diets and weight loss programs and one of the main things that sets the ProLon 5-day fast mimicking diet apart from others is its super effective ability to target visceral fat specifically.
As mentioned above, this is the type of fat that is located inside your belly and it’s the most important type of fat to lose. It’s also the type of fat that is most stubborn and the last one to go when people are trying to lose weight.
ProLon’s 5-day fast mimicking diet has been shown to have a nearly identical impact on weight management as traditional fasting. This is because the program is formulated to maintain similar levels of ketones as traditional fasting, but without the negative effects of extreme calorie restriction that a water only fast has for example.

This is because not all calories are created equal, and ProLon’s program provides the body with healthy fats and the right balance of premium ingredients to trick the body’s nutrient sensors into thinking that it is fasting while you still have a next meal scheduled.
Additionally, a clinical trial showed that the ProLon program, when compared to a regular calorie-balanced diet, resulted in improved glucose and ketone results every hour. This is because the program is specifically designed to provide the body with a low glycemic index diet, which promotes healthy weight loss and improved health markers.

ProLon Fast Bar: The best intermittent fasting bar?
As a busy mom, health coach, and avid golfer, I understand the importance of balancing a hectic schedule with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One of the things that can make or break a diet is convenience and when intermittent fasting, convenience is key.
ProLon’s 5-day fasting mimicking diet is designed to support prolonged periodic fasting and time-restricted eating for generally healthy consumers. The program includes a standardized breakfast bar, known as the fast bar, which is designed to support fasting by providing the body with essential nutrients so you can just grab it and go about your day without worrying you skipped breakfast.

I know how hard it can be to resist the temptations of unhealthy foods when the stomach starts growling. But instead of reaching for that bag of chips or candy bar, having a snack with health benefits on hand, can make all the difference.
ProLon’s fast bar has been clinically tested and it has been shown to support the body’s fasting mode and maintain healthy blood glucose levels while the body processes food. The study tested the fast bar against an hour overnight fast comparing the fast bar group to a breakfast group. The results showed that the fast bar group had similar benefits as the breakfast group in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.
The fast bars are made with premium nuts, have delicious natural delicious flavors and are full of beneficial fats. They have been shown to support overall metabolic health, maintain similar ketone levels as a water fast, and provide key physiological markers similar to a 15-hour overnight fast. And the best part, they are actually tasty!
Advice on starting your 5-day fast with ProLon (I’ve done it over a dozen times)
When starting the ProLon fasting mimicking diet, the first step is to choose 5 days that work for you. These should be days when you don’t have any events, parties, or birthdays planned, so that you can focus on the program without any distractions.
It’s important to stay put at home during these 5 days as well, you can be working from home but since fasting takes a lot of energy, it’s best to avoid any traveling or working events.
Once you’ve chosen your 5 days, the next step is mentally committing to the program.
Basically just do it!
The ProLon kit comes with everything you need, including lemon peppermint hot tea, nut bars, and specially designed soups and crackers. The program consists of consuming between 800 to 1100 calories a day, with certain days having slightly less calories (800 instead of 1100) by taking away the kale crackers or small chocolate. This allows your body to enter “fasting mode”- be mentally prepared for this!

I understand that the idea of a diet that includes only soup and olives can seem unappealing, but with ProLon, it’s different. They have really took the time to design every milligram to perfection, providing your body with the necessary nutrients during the fast, while promoting weight loss and rejuvenation.
It’s not just any ordinary diet, it’s a mimicking fast that tricks your body. Unlike other diets where you have to starve yourself, ProLon is designed to provide your body with everything it needs for the 5 days without the feeling of intense hunger.
It also includes fast bars that are perfect for those who are practicing intermittent fasting, or even those who are looking for a healthy snack anytime. The fast bars are made with premium nuts, gluten-free, are clinically tested and have been proven to support time-restricted eating and intermittent fasting.
In my personal experience with the Prolon diet, I found that the fast bars provided in the ProLon fasting mimicking diet were a lifesaver when it came to managing my hunger. Best part is after so many years of not being able to buy them indivually, they finally made them available for individual purchase! Seriously if I could choose only one fast bar to ever eat, it would be this one.

With a positive approach and a motivation mindset, you will reach your health goals, no matter how hard they may seem at first. Learn more about my one-on-one coaching program here.

Remember that wellness is a journey and results vary from person to person as everyone’s body is unique and may respond differently to different approaches.
This is why I am very selective in the products and programs that I promote. I only recommend those that I have personally tried and have seen success results with, both in my practice and in my own life.
That being said, the ProLon 5-day fast mimicking diet is a scientifically backed program that has been shown to be effective in targeting visceral fat, the hardest to lose, rejuvenating the cells, and improving overall health.
I have been doing it myself for the last 6 years and have seen the benefits it can bring to my own health, as well as in the health of my clients and am very confident in recommending it.